Friday, April 27, 2012

The Women's Building-

Located in the heart of the mission is this long standing gem and the first women owned and operated community space in the country starting in 1979. This building offers many programs to women and girls in the community that include services for economic security and well being ( job search assistance, legal advice, free buffets) as well as building community through arts and culture. In addition this space also provides a safe house for women experiencing domestic violence, sexual assault etc.

the mission of the women's building:::::
"Since 1971, San Francisco Women's Centers has represented, and been guided by, the belief that all women and girls have the right to safe, joyous and creative lives. In 1979, the organization purchased The Women's Building, creating one of the first women-owned community centers.
Our mission is to provide women and girls with the tools and resources they need to achieve full and equal participation in society."

to tie this into my posts on inspiring street art and art installations this building is also internationally  known for its mural MaestraPeace (1994), which honors women’s contributions around the world. The power of women manifested through public art, an incredible thing.

 If there is a place to critically discuss issues relevant to low-income women, children, people of color, immigrants, gay and lesbians, it will be happening here. With the most recent attacks on women's equality and reproductive rights by the media, the government and those put in office to represent us, it has never been a more crucial time for women to get together and talk about these issues with their communities. It is comforting to know that this is a resource for me whenever I may need it, it is the same way I feel about Planned Parenthood as a reliable place for assistance and information not already freely offered to us by our parents, schools, jobs, etc.

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